For Additional Information
Please Call 651-245-4995

Kris's Kandle Services


Kris's Kandles can add the perfect accent to your wedding decor. Fill the room with your favorite color and fragrance. Kris can work with you to plan the look, scent and color of your wedding Kandles to ensure they'll be the perfect reminder of this joyous occasion!

Gift Baskets and Theme Kandles

Plan a special movie night with popcorn-scented Kandles. Get your TV room ready for the big game with beer scented Kandles decked out in your favorite team colors! Surprise your sweetheart with a basket of goodies including his or her favorite Kandles and scents. The ideas are limitless! Contact Kris for great gift basket ideas.

Kandle Burning Tips

* Set aside time when you want to burn candles, if you do not give them time to burn, usually an hour or more, they will burn right down the middle and shorten your candle’s life.

* Candles are like bad pets, if you leave them alone, they might destroy something-NEVER leave a burning candle unattended, they can cause serious issues.